
Get the YAGO Source Code

Download the Entire YAGO

You can download the entire YAGO (version 3.1) ontology in one piece. The time stamps for different dumps are as follows:

  • Wikipedia (en, de, nl, fr, it, es, pl, fa, ar, ro): 2017-05-20
  • Geonames: 2017-06-18
  • Wikidata: 2017-05-22


Download YAGO ontology in .tsv format! (19 Gb compressed, 168 Gb uncompressed, without SPOTLX)

Download YAGO ontology in .ttl (turtle) format! (19 Gb compressed, 170 Gb uncompressed, without SPOTLX)

SPOTLX facts are available in an extra archive: ttl format / tsv format

Sample facts for popular entities: tsv format


You can use 7-Zip program to uncompress the 7z files. If you use Windows OS, see or
If you use Linux, see


The previous version of YAGO3 (3.0.2) was evaluated for precision, see the statistics for the precision values of various relations. Other versions of YAGO can be found at archive.

Download YAGO Themes

You can also download just the portions of YAGO that you need. Each portion is called a theme. There are 9 groups of themes:

  • TAXONOMY: All types of entitites, and the class structure of YAGO. Moreover, it has formal definitions of YAGO relations.
  • SIMPLETAX: An alternative, simpler taxonomy of YAGO.
  • CORE: Core facts of YAGO, such as the facts between entities, the facts containing literals,i.e., numbers, dates, strings, etc.
  • GEONAMES: Geographical entities, classes taken from GeoNames.
  • META: Temporally and spatially scoped facts together with statistics and extraction sources about the facts.
  • MULTILINGUAL: The multilingual names for entities.
  • LINK: The connection of YAGO to Wordnet, DBPedia, etc.
  • WIKIPEDIA: Multilingual infobox attributes, templates, sources, etc. for Wikipedia infoboxes.
  • OTHER: Miscellaneous features of YAGO, such as Wikipedia in-outlinks, GeoNames data etc.
Transitive closure of all rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf facts
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The domains, ranges and confidence values of YAGO relations
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The coherent types extracted from different wikipedias
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The entire YAGO taxonomy. These are all rdfs:subClassOf facts derived from multilingual Wikipedia and from WordNet
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A simplified rdf:type system. This theme contains all instances, and links them with rdf:type facts to the leaf level of WordNet (use with yagoSimpleTaxonomy)
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A simplified rdfs:subClassOf taxonomy. This taxonomy contains just WordNet leaves, the main YAGO branches, and owl:Thing (use with yagoSimpleTypes)
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All facts of YAGO that contain literals (except labels)
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All facts of YAGO that contain labels (rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel, isPreferredMeaningOf, hasGivenName, hasFamilyName, hasGloss, redirectedFrom)
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All facts of YAGO that contain dates
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All facts of YAGO that hold between instances
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Classes from GeoNames
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Data from GeoNames for all non-mapped entities, e.g. coordinates, alternative names, locatedIn hierarchy, neighbor of
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All GeoNames types for both mapped and non-mapped entities
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Classes from GeoNames
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Glosses from GeoNames
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IDs from GeoNames classes
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All sources of YAGO facts
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All temporal and geospatial meta facts of YAGO, complementing the CORE facts
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Statistics about YAGO and YAGO themes
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Source for all GeoNames types for both mapped and non-mapped entities.
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Multi-lingual labels for classes from Universal WordNet
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IDs from GeoNames entities
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The hierarchy of WordNet Domains from
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Preferred meanings of words in YAGO
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Mappings of YAGO instances to DBpedia instances
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Mappings of YAGO classes to YAGO-based DBpedia classes. For the mappings between YAGO classes and other DBpedia classes, as well as the mapping between YAGO relations and DBpedia relations, see -> Linking. Mappings of YAGO classes to YAGO-based DBpedia classes
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Mappings of the WordNet-based YAGO classes to the ids of WordNet
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Thematic domains from the Wordnet Domains project of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler, . These domains group WordNet classes into topics such as 'Music', 'Arts', or 'Soccer'. The data was generated using the WordNet mappings provided by the NLP Research Group of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Mappings of YAGO instances to Wikidata QIDs
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Labels from Wikipedia redirect pages
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Keyphrases for the X in SPOTLX - gathered from (internal and external) link anchors, citations and category names
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Sources for the coherent types extracted from different wikipedias
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Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
PreviewDownload TTLDownload TSV
Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
PreviewDownload TTLDownload TSV
Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
PreviewDownload TTLDownload TSV
Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
PreviewDownload TTLDownload TSV
Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
PreviewDownload TTLDownload TSV
Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Sources for the raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Contains for each Wikipedia template all of its attributes
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Raw infobox templates from the Wikipedia infoboxes
PreviewDownload TTLDownload TSV
Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
PreviewDownload TTLDownload TSV
Stores the sizes, outlinks, and URLs of the Wikipedia articles of the YAGO entities
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Raw facts from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Sources for the raw types from the Wikipedia infoboxes
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Database Importer

We provide a database script to load YAGO into a Postgres database.

To run this script;

  • download YAGO in TSV format.
  • in a shell or dos box, cd into the directory of the YAGO TSV files
  • run "psql -a -d <database> -h <hostname> -U <user> -f <thisScript>" without quotes

Download database importer!

More About YAGO

We do not offer the converters for download any more!

If you want to learn more details about YAGO, read the following tutorial! It explains;

  • what you need to work with YAGO
  • what the file formats are
  • how to produce SVG images from YAGO
  • how to load YAGO into a database
  • how to query YAGO in SPARQL

YAGO Old Archives

You can still download YAGO1, YAGO2, YAGO2.5 (a.k.a. YAGO2s), and also YAGO3 from here.


Download the logo of the YAGO ontology as PNG, PNG (small), PDF, JPG, SVG
YAGO ontology logo