Paul Schnitzpan

Personal Information

Member of the Research Training Group Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in Mixed Mode Environments funded by the DFG (

Member of Rescue Robot Team HECTOR Darmstadt (

Research Interests

Object detection

Conditional Random Fields

Machine learning


Dipl.-Math. at TU Darmstadt, Germany, 2001-2006

Diploma thesis: "Application of Conditional Random Fields in Computer Vision" supervised by Mario Fritz and Bernt Schiele


Maschinelles Lernen: Statistische Verfahren II (WS 08/09)

Supervised theses: 

"Real-time Vision-based Object Detection for Mobile Robotic Platform", Oliver Schwahn

"Sensor Fusion of Heterogeneous Devices for Victim Detection on a Mobile Robotic Platform", Konstantin Fuchs

Other Affiliations

Member of the Research Training Group Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in Mixed Mode Environments funded by the DFG


See list of publications