Mental Health

Offers of the Max-Planck Society

EMAP - Employee and Manager assistance program

The EMAP offers support with the following issues :

  • Occupational and job-related issues

  • Health and mental issues

  • Persona issues

  • Specifically for executives

The support is available 24/7 in the following languages:

German and English; Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian and Turkish are also available if the need arises.

To schedule an appointment call 0800/387 78 36


It may have sense to look at the suggestions for being counseled with different kinds of conflicts first.


Further information:

EMAP - Employee and Manager Assistance Program (


For questions about EMAP contact:

Anette Rapp

Human Resources Development & Opportunities

+49 89 2108-1510


Mental health collective

If you want to know the way to join the Collective, or if you have any further questions, we are happy to help:

Please contact the Equal Opportunities Officer.

Mental Health Awareness week 2020

Further information about MHA-week and the topic of Mental Health can be found on the Mental Health Awareness Week webpage.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Mental Health Collective (

Follow us on Twitter: @MPG_MHC




Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center (PPB)

The University offers employees as well as students free and confidential consultation for personal or job-related problems.

A team consisting of 7 Graduate psychologists will help you in individual or group meetings. 

In individual meetings you can get help for example with the following problems:

  • Concentration problems
  • Dissatisfaction with the work situation
  • Burnout
  • Depressive moods
  • Relationship problems
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Partnership and family conflicts
  • and other problems, where the conversation is sought for clarification.

Registration for an initial interview can be made in person, by telephone or by e-mail via the secretary's office. It is treated confidentially; all employees are subject to the duty of confidentiality.


More Information at the Website of the PBB:


Frau Simone Maus

Tel.: +49 (0) 681 302 2515



Mental Health during COVID-19 pandemic

Do not cancel appointments with your therapist if you are already undergoing treatment (if you are not quarantined and if being outside is safe for you and members of your household)

Seek support

- EMAP (see information in the box above)

- Online consultation (

1. Try to stick to a daily routine

  • go to sleep, get up, and eat at your usual times
  • determination of working hours


2. Eat balanced meals

3. Stay active

  • exercise (you can find workouts to do at home)
  • engage in activities you enjoy
  • maybe try something new
  • go for a walk (if you are not quarantined and if being outside is safe for you and members of your household)


4. Relax


5. Socialize

  • call friends and family members 
  • hold video-conferences with your friends, family, and co-workers
  • take walks together (this is safe, as long as you keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m)


6. Support others

  • There are a lot initiatives to support local people in high risk groups:


NOTE: please contact these sites if you need help!

7. Dealing with the media

  • pick specific times to check the news
  • use realiable sources
  • do not spread fake news

Please take care of yourselves and act responsibly! Remember, the situation will not last forever.